Life, Annuity and Disability Insurance

Professional Recertification (PRCE)

Take This Course


8 credit hours

If purchased today, this course must be completed by:
December 31, 2024 (157 Days)


This course is a comprehensive insurance course that explores and details the different types of products and situations involving life insurance, disability income, and annuities along with their many uses when it comes to providing for individual, family, and business needs.

It covers term, permanent, adjustable, universal, and variable life insurance along with the numerous variations within each category. It outlines and teaches the many uses of life insurance, both personal and business. In addition, the course explains the income and estate taxation of life insurance along with an extensive discussion of payout options, policy loans, premiums, withdrawals, dividends, cash surrenders, and accelerated death benefits concepts.

The disability income component in this course is designed to review and teach you about the features of the various types of disability insurance options and non-insurance specific programs, as well. The course explores individual disability insurance, employer-provided disability insurance, government programs that pay disability benefits, and the taxes inherent on these benefits. Provided also is a discussion of the specialized disability-related policies that are used for overhead expenses and buy-sell agreements. Association and Salary continuation arrangements with group disability income protection programs are discussed, as well.

The annuity section profiles the annuity concept and details as well as explains what an annuity is and how it works. The fundamentals of the accumulation and payout phases of annuities are discussed. Settlement options are explained along with their most common uses being covered. This section also discusses taxation of annuities. Federal income tax treatment of premature withdrawals, lump-sum distributions, and periodic payments are dealt with fully. It covers the different types of annuity contracts and the characteristics of each of the fixed, variable and equity indexed varieties. Annuity product types with their features and benefits are highlighted including specifics such as premium options, immediate vs. deferred, qualified vs. nonqualified, and the whole host of settlement options.

Whether you are a newer producer or a veteran, you will gain new insight into this critical area for Americans as well as brush up on current info and details pertinent to this area of your expertise.

Exam Details

Need Proctor?No
Question Count:50
Passing Grade:70%
Attempts to Pass:Unlimited
Note: If you choose to request additional credit types while taking this course, the number of exam questions and proctor rules may change to meet those credits' requirements.

Course Details

Course Number:15606
Approved Title:Life, Annuity and Disability Insurance
Approved Credits
8 credits in PRCE
Provider Number:770
Topics Covered:Life and Health Insurance, Annuities, Life Insurance, Health Insurance
Program Level:Intermediate

Rules for American College PRCE (formerly PACE)

  • Course material may be downloaded.
  • Exam is open book.